
Does A South Facing Garden Matter?        

Sun, sun, and more sun—that's what a south-facing garden needs, right? Kind of. For a variety of reasons, south-facing gardens are highly attractive, and some studies show they may even increase the value of your home by 10%. That represents an increase of an additional of around £22,000 in the price of your home.

This article explores the advantages of a south-facing garden, how to identify one, and the advantages and disadvantages of residing there.

What is a south-facing garden?

East is where the sun rises, and west is where it sets. Anyone with a south-facing yard is aware that they get the best of it as it makes its daily trek.

Every garden should receive some sun on a sunny day, but south-facing gardens will receive the most, which is why homebuyers find them to be so appealing.


Advantages of a garden that faces south.

So why all the fuss about a garden that faces south? Here are some advantages of a garden that faces south.

Yes, south-facing gardens receive more sunlight than any other type of garden. You can take pleasure in the sunrise, the sunset, and all in between.

They're warmer — It should go without saying that gardens facing south are warmer than other gardens due to the hours of uninterrupted sunlight.

Better for gardeners: Plants use the energy of the sun to convert light into food and fuel, therefore the more sunlight you get, the better your garden will be. Gardeners can get inventive and grow a variety of sun-loving plant species in south-facing gardens.

Your clothing will dry more quickly the more sunlight there is. Given the price of energy, this could allow you to significantly reduce your energy costs compared to tumble dryers.

Cleaner decking and patio - Sunlight may quickly dry wetness, preventing regions from amplifying. Mold development can also be slowed down (but not completely stopped) by it.


Homes with a south exposure are very sought-after by purchasers and can cost more. They're not for everyone, though, as we've mentioned. You should consider all factors before making a decision when buying a property, and we can assist. We at Simon Blyth give thorough details about each property so you can make the best decision. Therefore, look over our listings for sale and give us a call right now.